Chapter 13

Normally someone ordering their steak rare

wouldn’t be a problem for me, but watching five people gorge on

rare steaks, the night after having seen a man devoured in a pool

by sharks was a little unsettling. Although restaurants are

required by state law to cook meat for a minimum time on each side,

Sam didn’t seem bothered by such technicalities, and the rare

steaks really looked rare. Also, not to stereotype, but the shark

shifters were not exactly delicate eaters when it came to rare

meat. I mean, I enjoy a good steak, but my eyes have never rolled

back in my head while eating one.

I guess the great thing about people getting

so caught up in their food was that it took a little tension off,

and God knows we needed that. The minute Stefano had walked out of

the room to help Logan with the grill, Stefanie began to ask Logan

and I myriad questions. How long have you known each other? Have

you ever been intimate? When were you first attracted to men,