Chapter 12

“These are called Shark Bites,” Stefano

announced, as he and Logan passed us all bluish drinks with red in

the bottom.

“It’s meant to look like blood in the water,”

Logan said. “Isn’t that cool?”

“We used to do these all the time,” Derek

added. “Sam loves these.”

I looked at my glass tentatively as everyone

else began to drink.

“It’s grenadine,” Sam said, and I laughed and

took a sip.

“I don’t think beer cuts it when you have to

spend a night with my sister,” Stefano volunteered. “I thought we

could use something a little stronger.”

“What’s wrong with your sister?” Sam


“She’s a bitch,” Wyn said without


“Oh, yeah, she is,” Derek added.

“Wyn,” Sam scolded.

“No, seriously,” Stefano said. “She is a

bitch. She actually calls herself that. It’s kind of her badge of

honor. She babysat them a few times when she was a teenager. They


“Oh,” Sam said, looking at Wyn and then
