Chapter 109

“Are you subject to transfer?”

“Not until I make partner, and that takes years.”

“When that happens, do you have any options as to where you go from here?”

“A few, but that’s a long time off. I might decide to go into private practice right here in Jacksonville. The big firms are a total rat race—they take guys fresh from college, chew them up, and spit them out. Only a few actually start climbing the ladder. In the long run, I think I’d prefer to be my own boss.”

“Been there, done that,” Mike said. “Still doing it, in fact. It’s kind of scary, but it’s also very satisfying, particularly when you start to succeed.”

I raised my glass and said, “A toast to the new couple.”

“Hear, hear,” Mike said, and we all touched glasses.

“Be sure you get tested before you stop using condoms,” I said.

“And get retested every six months for a couple of years,” Mike said.

“We’ve talked about that,” Carl said, “and we’re going to take care of it later this week.”