Chapter 7

Then there were those incidents where the

Mothman had appeared to my parents. These were of course only

mentioned in my parents’ journals, and these instances were

different, somehow more personal than the ones in the newspapers.

Usually, it seemed that the Mothman picked someone at random to

warn people about a larger problem. The three encounters my parents

had, had all been to warn them of dangers of a more personal nature

to them. If I had heard these tales from anyone else, I would have

simply dismissed them as the delusions of crazy people, but these

were the words of my parents. My reasons for trusting them not only

came from the fact that these were the people who loved and raised

me, but also from the fact that they were exceptionally well


I mentioned that my parents were raised with

more money than most people will ever dream of possessing. With

that upbringing came wonderful schools and the best educations that