“That’s why we can't just go out and show
the world where and how these creatures live. People have been
exploiting things they have power over since our creation. God only
knows what would happen to these creatures if the whole world knew
of their existence,” my father said.
“People fear things they don't understand,"
my mother said. “And sometimes that fear turns into hatred, and
even violence.”
“Peter, these creatures are usually the last
of their kind. Sometimes nature has taken its toll on their
species, but often times we humans had something to do with it.
These creatures went into hiding for a reason,” my father said.
As I sat there snuggled next to Esteban on
the couch, putting down the last article in my stack, I tried to
remember all of these things my parents had said. It would have
been very easy to have feared this creature whose wings had slapped
against the bedroom window, but I knew that was not what I was
meant to do.