Chapter 18

I was starting to get a little worried. I

continued to look ahead of me and into the sky. The stars were

bright, and were I not so preoccupied trying to find the Mothman, I

might have enjoyed them, but instead of enjoyment, a worried

feeling coursed through my stomach. What if I had lost him? What if

I were wrong? What if that had not been the Mothman, but some crazy

illusion my mind had supplied after dreaming?

Just as I felt doubt began to fill my head,

I felt the car began to shudder.

“Oh, no!” I shouted. “I’m out of gas!”

I turned the wheel as best I could, and

shifted into neutral. I was thankful that I was gliding down a hill

so that I had some momentum to keep the car moving as I steered to

the side of the road. I put the car in park and sat there.

“Fuck!” I shouted to the night.

I was sitting on the side of the road in God

only knows where in a car with no gas wearing only a bathrobe with

no shoes. Life was amazing sometimes.