“Gene therapy, perhaps,” I said. “I don’t know enough about it to go into detail, but I think we’re going to have to get involved in it in some way.”
“Yes, but how?”
“Isn’t Switzerland famous for its clinics? Clinics that use all manner of unusual treatments, which promise all manner of exciting results?”
“Yes, but—” he said.
“Maybe we could open a clinic in Switzerland offering the possibility of extended life spans. Mind you, it would have to have a dozen or more degrees of separation between the actual clinic and us, and it would be years—decades, perhaps—before any results could be proven.”
“That’s an interesting idea,” he said.
“Yeah, but at the moment it’s just an idea, and I’m just tired enough to say that I’m feeling the wine and the Port. I think it’s time for me to go to bed.”
“No argument there. Go get your rest, my boy, you’ve certainly earned it this night.”