Chapter 12

“Couldn’t be better. By the time we fly back to Florida, I’ll have enough material for at least three new CDs, plus the live recording of the concert tomorrow evening, which will be a two-CD set.”

“Don’t forget tomorrow morning,” Noah said.

“What happens tomorrow morning?” Father said.

“I’m going to perform all of Maurice Duruflé’s organ compositions for the faculty and students of the music school,” Tom said, “and we’re going to make a live recording.”

“How long will that take?” I said.

“Duruflé wasn’t a prolific composer,” Tom said. “He is known to have spent months fine-tuning each work. His entire output can be listened to in about three hours, and all of his organ works will fit on a single CD. At least one musicologist has written that Duruflé felt uneasy about having his works published, for fear they would prove to be imperfect in some way. His Suitefor organ is widely regarded as one of the most difficult works to play in all organ literature.”