Chapter 13

When we got home, Tom and Noah immediately went downstairs to take advantage of the baths. When they returned, they had a light lunch and retired to their room for a long nap. Dani and I, with Lucia’s help, took the boys to the playground just long enough for them to thoroughly wear themselves out. When we finally went back upstairs, they went to bed without a whimper, and we decided to visit the baths, which were even more crowded than they’d been a few days earlier—so much so that we had to share a dressing room. We saw a number of familiar faces seated around the perimeter of thecalidarium, as well as a few faces that I recognized from the several state banquets we’d attended. Which of course meant that rather than sit and soak as was our custom, we had to circulate and socialize a bit. When we finally moved on to the tepidarium, we had the same problem—so we made the best of it.