Duchy of AragoniDani
THE SHOCK OF seeing Mom and Grandma and actually having a more or less normal conversation with them, had been the frosting on the cake of my day. In sum, I’d been on an emotional roller coaster for hours and was more than happy to swallow the sleeping pill when it was delivered. I still couldn’t believe that Marco had pulled off a feat that I would have deemed impossible—that of persuading two members of my family to come and visit. I wonder if he told them I was literally at ‘death’s door’? Whatever he’d told them, or had asked William and Henry to tell them, it had certainly worked.How the fuck do you pick up a relationship with your family after more than a dozen years? With that happy question rattling around in my brain, I succumbed to the pill.
Somehow I once again slept through the night and didn’t wake up until a few minutes before my doctor appeared in the room. “How are you this morning?” he said.