Chapter 55

“Yeah, me too, you.”

And I thought the emotional roller coaster ride had come to a halt. Wow.While I waited to be taken downstairs, I reflected at length on the implications of his conversation with Mom.


Duchy of AragoniMarco

I LEFT DANI’S room feeling somewhat better about his mental state—yesterday afternoon must have been hard for him, after all. It didn’t take me very long to see the few patients I had in the hospital; then I went to my office to catch up on correspondence and other matters. I’d pretty much canceled all of my appointments for several days, given the crisis. In the middle of doing this, I remembered my promise to Mrs. Rosati, so I called upstairs to see if Malcolm was free. He was, so I hurried up to his office to catch him before he once again became un-free.

“Good morning, Marco,” he said when I entered his office. “How goes it with Dani?”

“As well as can be expected. He had an emotional morning, followed by an emotional afternoon.”