“Now that I’ve had a minute to think about it,” Dani said, “I can vouch for part of what Trevor just said.”
“Excuse me,” I said.
“Marco, you and I have always had an active sex life, but about two years after we met, you went through a period of hyperactivity which lasted several months.”
“Maybe I was experiencing a sort of belated honeymoon phase.”
“There’s more. About five years later, it happened again. You were in the middle of your internship, working eighteen-hour shifts, and you would come home literally dead on your feet. Yet, you would crawl in bed and demand sex—even though most of the time you were so tired that I had to do all the work.”
“TMI, babe,” I said. “TMI.”
“TMI?” Trevor said.
“Too much information,” Dani said.
“Okay,” I said, “I’m convinced. But if you want more children, Trevor, all you have to do these days is collect some sperm during your active phase, and have it stored for later use.”