“So what are we gonna do?”
“I think we’re going to hang around that rest area tomorrow night and see what happens.”
“You don’t mean that we’re going to just stand by and do nothing?”
“Hardly that… but we’ll play it by ear. Logic tells me that they don’t kill people in public places like that—wait a minute, didn’t we hear them mention that the killings had to take place in the grave?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“We need to know a lot more about their methodology.”
“How will we know when to go there or, for that matter whether to go to the northbound rest area or the southbound one?”
“Good question. Marv and Harv could stop at the northbound stop, or go one exit past that one and drive south to the other rest area. Hmm, I wonder—”
“You wonder what?” Nate said.