Chapter 54

“Wow,” Rion said.

“Wow, indeed.”

“It was very perceptive of her to have figured you out all those years ago.”

“Yeah. Guess I’m a slow learner.”

“For what it’s worth,” Rion said, “I’m glad you didn’t figure it out until you met me. I wonder what she meant when she said ‘dead or worse’?”

“The words ‘coma’ and ‘vegetative state’ come to mind—think Terry Schiavo.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think about that—that would be worse than being dead.”

“Want to watch the other DVD?” I said.

“No. Let’s wait and watch it with Jamie someday, okay?”

“Sure, why not?”

“I’m gonna run upstairs and take a peek in the den,” he said.

“Right behind you.”

Upstairs, we looked in on the boys. The movie was still going strong, but they were both out cold. I went to Jamie’s room and turned back the covers, then returned to the den. We each picked up a sleeping child and carried them to bed.

“They’re obviously down for the count,” Rion said. “Let’s get naked.”