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Chapter 3

“I think I’ll do my own thing tonight, Mrs.

Austin,” Seamus said. Speaking through his mother’s hair, he almost

felt like he was five again.

“Well, you do what you need to, baby doll,”

Mrs. Austin said.

She must have sensed that he needed time

alone, because suddenly she walked back to the group and said,

“Seamus can’t join us tonight, but he would love for us to send him

some more energy.”

Seamus felt a hand on his shoulder and knew

that it was his father’s. At six-foot-three inches tall, Raferty

O’Donnell had really big man hands. To Seamus, they were always a

source of comfort.

“What’s wrong, son?” Raferty asked.

Seamus took a deep breath. How did you tell

your ever loving and faithful parents something like this?

“This is not the end,” Seamus said in a sob,

letting his face fall into his mother’s shoulder.

Seamus could feel both of his father’s hands

now on his shoulders.

“No, it’s not,” Raferty said.

Seamus could tell that his father’s body