Chapter 13


I realized that hadn’t been the good kind of excitement in Theo’s voice. The five of us stood in the doorway and stared into the disaster that was the master’s bedroom.

“I don’t understand how Heather could have missed this,” Portia said, looking pale.

Theo squatted down and fingered some of the torn up floor boards. We could see the joists beneath them. “This is recent.”

“How recent?” I asked. Because of my leg, I couldn’t do any squatting.

“I’d say within the past couple of months. And you know what? This is a real shame. These were the original hardwoods.”

“This house has no security, does it?”

Quinn looked tired. “No, it doesn’t.”

“Okay, I’ll deal with it.” I took out my cell phone. Matheson was out of town, but Rayne…

She was the first woman agent in the Washington Bureau of Intelligence and Security. I hadn’t had much for her to do, but this might be right up her alley.

“Good morning, Mr. Vincent.”

“Morning, Rayne. I’ve got a job for you.”