Chapter 14


“I’m okay. It’s just a fucking cramp.”

I rubbed the thigh that hadn’t been shot, and he rested his palm on the back of my hand.

“You’ll be staying there also?” he asked Ben-David.

“No. I have a friend who lives on the other side of town, and I’ll be staying with him, if that’s all right with you?”

“Just keep your cell phone turned on.”

“Of course.” There was amusement in his voice.

“We’re supposed to meet this family at the Always Reddy Pub for lunch at noon. The Pub is on West Bryan Street, not too far from the hotel, so pick us up about eleven forty-five.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Oh, and you get to be Mann’s chauffeur. Dress appropriately.”

“Yes, sir. I guess I’d better find myself a billed cap, since I left mine at home.” Once again there was amusement in his voice.

“That’s my man.”

“I thought I was your man,” I said.

At the same time, Ben-David said, “Actually, I’m The Boss’s man.”

Mark groaned. “Get us to the hotel.”