Chapter 15

The driver folded his lips in an effort to prevent his laughter from escaping. He turned back to his horse, cracked the whip over the dappled gray’s ear, and called, “Okay, Stoney, we’re going to Aunt Pitty Pat’s.”

The horse nodded his head as if in agreement, threw his weight into his harness, and began trotting down the street.


The champagne was so good, I ordered twelve bottles to be shipped home. Mark teased that I’d ordered an entire case because that included not only a discount, but free shipping as well.

But then he paused in taking another sip of champagne, a thoughtful expression on his face. “What do you think of me giving Gregor and Portia a case of this champagne?”

“What about the Calphalon?”

“Screw it. I’ll get them that too.”

I couldn’t help chuckling. “Whatever you decide will be fine, Mark.”

The corner of his mouth curled up in a grin. “Cool.”

We took the time to savor our champagne before we climbed back into the carriage.