Chapter 30

“What I’m about to tell you goes no further, agreed?” Kirkpatrick stared at him thoughtfully before he shifted his gaze to me. “Very well. Jon being missing is simply his cover story. The truth of the matter is the Bliss copy of the Gettysburg Address is missing.”

Tension ran through Bram’s body. “That’s the copy that was signed and dated by Lincoln—the onlycopy that was.” And it was kept in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House. “How did that happen?”

Kirkpatrick shrugged. “How it happened isn’t important. Getting it back is. Jon’s on the West Coast tracking it down.”

Bram and I exchanged glances. “And we were kept out of this… why?” he asked.

“We’re bringing you in on it now. Mann, you’ll take the first flight to LA.”

I couldn’t tell Kirkpatrick he wasn’t my boss; it would sound too childish. I turned to my boss instead. “Bram?”

He sighed. “It looks like you will.”

“Your enthusiasm overwhelms me,” Kirkpatrick said dryly. “You’ll notify me as soon as you find Jon.”