Chapter 31

Then I resumed looking into this particular copy of such an important document.


The afternoon had passed, and I was ready to call it a day.

This made no sense. How could anyone have managed to abscond with the Address without anyone noticing?

Hinky. Definitely hinky.


I let myself into Mark’s condo. “Mark?”

“In the kitchen, babe.”

I propped my briefcase on one of the stools that flanked the island. “Do I have time for a shower?”

“Sure. Dinner is in the warming drawer.”

“What are we having?” I walked into his arms and raised my mouth for a kiss.

He threaded the fingers of one hand in my hair and cupped my ass with his other hand. Then he brushed his lips over mine.

I relaxed against him.

“On the way home from work I stopped at the Portuguese restaurant on Wisconsin Avenue.” His words were warm against my lips. “We’re having cozido de inhames com carneand bolo de sert?—that’s beef and yam stew with unleavened flat bread to the uninformed.”