Chapter 32

He wasn’t going to like hearing this.

“Kirkpatrick learned Drum called me before he left DC.”

“Oh, yeah?” Mark’s tone was definitely on edge. “How?” The expression on his face told me he already had a suspicion.

“The only answer I can come up with is my landline was bugged.” I frowned as I remembered how Mark had done such a discreet job of setting up surveillance in my town house the year before.

“Shit. He had the almighty gall—”

“Yes. Fortunately, I’ve either been out of town or staying at Mother’s.”

That didn’t appease Mark very much. I reached over and stroked his forearm. “At any rate, I called Uncle Tony, and he and Bryan are going to see what they can learn.”

“And Drum is involved.”

“That’s what Kirkpatrick insinuated. Hold on a second.” I went to the kitchen, removed the photo from my briefcase, and returned to the dining room. “Kirkpatrick had this with him.”

Mark examined the image of Drum, then looked up at me. “He was drugged.”