Chapter 34

“Did Cisco tell you they’re pregnant?”

“He did.”

“It will be nice to have another child on the premises. I know Bryan always regretted the fact that Johanna was never able to carry to term. He would have made an excellent father.”

“Yes.” Although Bryan’s ex-wife had been able to get pregnant easily, only one pregnancy had resulted in a live birth, but even that little boy hadn’t survived. Neither had the marriage. “Both of you were wonderful to me after Father died.”

He ruffled my hair. “You were a pleasure.”

We both cleared our throats, and I continued.

“Cisco told me Valentine is staying here for moral support?”

“Yes. His mother and father are flying out tomorrow.”

“He mentioned that. Have I come at a bad time?”

“No, it’s fine. The Ice Man’s presence will be appreciated.”

“Whatever I can do to help. But I have to tell you, it’s a good thing Mark didn’t come with me. He’d make them regret their treatment of the boy.”