Chapter 35

So perhaps there had been more between Mark and Paul than friendship. I didn’t say anything. I could always ask Mark about it.

“How did you meet?” Paul asked as he handed Valentine another sandwich and helped himself to one. “If you don’t mind my asking.”

“Mark didn’t tell you about that?”

“No. He never talked business, and then Spike and I moved out here last year, and we haven’t seen him as much as we’d like.”

“As much as you’dlike,” Valentine corrected.

“Well, Vince was always closemouthed. I hope you’re not.” Paul looked at me expectantly, and I couldn’t help grinning.

“I accused him of shooting me.”

“You didn’t!” Valentine stared at me with wide eyes. “And had he?”

“I did, and no, he hadn’t.”

“Wow. I wish Paul and I had—”

“No, baby, trust me.” Paul wrapped an arm around Valentine’s waist and nuzzled the side of his head. “You don’t wish we’d met like that.”