Chapter 36

Bryan blushed a little, and I raised an enquiring eyebrow, but before I could question him, Tony returned with the photo.

“Do you know, it beats the hell out of me why Drum is dressed as a rent boy,” Bryan murmured as he studied the photo Tony had placed on the table between us.

“It beats the hell out of me why Kirkpatrick thinks I can find him.”

“You’re very capable.”

“I’m sure the OIG has employees who are equally capable.”

“I doubt it.”

It was my turn to blush. “Still—”

Valentine strolled into the room. “Paul had to run. He said bye and he’ll see you again soon.” He noticed the photo on the table. “Who’s the rent boy?”

Bryan burst into laughter.

I scowled at him, then turned to Valentine. “Excuse me?”

He shrugged. “The clothes, the pose, they have I’m for sale, but I’m not cheapwritten all over them.”

“Someone I’m looking for.”

“Is this CIA stuff? Can I see?”

Bryan glanced at me, and at my grin and shrug, he pushed the photo across the table.