Chapter 55

“I mean you had more of a claim to that house than Heather did.” Ms. Nelson had no idea Addison Mann was my father’s half brother.

Heather had had as much right to Mann Manor as I did.

“She sent pictures of the house. Gosh, it’s big! And old!”

“Yes, to both. The entire attic was set aside as servants’ quarters. And Great-grandfather Alexander had the house built a few years before the Spanish American War.”

“That’s amazing.”

“It is. Actually, Ms. Nelson, I’m not calling about the house. I have some questions about Cameron Snow.”

“There’s another son of a bitch. Heather sure didn’t luck out when it came to the men in her life.”

“Would you be able to spare some time to speak with me?”

“What did you want to know about him?”

“For the most part, I’d like to know why he told the staff at St. Mark’s that he was still Heather’s husband.”

“Then that includes all of us. My family and I want to know what he was up to also.”