Chapter 68

“I take it you know him?” Newberry asked.

“No, but I’m familiar with the name. Unless there’s more than one Cameron Snow, this man was my cousin’s ex-husband.”

“Interesting coincidence.”

Quinn gave the detective a stony glare.

Newberry held up his hands. “It was just an observation.”

“Yeah, well you can take your observation and shove it up your ass.”

“Quinton Mann!” I gave him a wide-eyed look. “I’m shocked and horrified.”

“Smartass.” He bumped his shoulder against mine. “Will you be able to learn who killed him and why?” he asked Newberry.

“In due time. Are you done, Neil?” Newberry asked the investigator.

“Yeah. Let’s wrap him up and get him to the morgue.”

“Who’s doing the autopsy?” I asked.

“Dr. Gordon maybe.” He shrugged. “Or possibly Dr. Hoyt.”

I didn’t know them, but Smitty might. Avery Schmidt was the coroner who worked out of the DC morgue. He also was on call if the WBIS needed a body autopsied or a report… fudged.