Chapter 69

Mark slid his arm around my shoulder, and DB kept glancing at us from the corner of his eye.

“It’s nice, you know,” I said as I stretched out my legs and made myself comfortable.

“What is?” DB didn’t look too enthralled. I had the feeling that he’d never see Mark as anything other than the WBIS agent who’d been the bane of our existence up until a year or so ago.

“Having more family. Don’t get me wrong, my parents and my uncles and Gregor were extremely important to me growing up, but I’m the last one on both sides. Now I’ve got you and your sisters. I’m sorry that I never got to know Heather.”

“We make our own family, Quinn.” Mark tightened his grip on my shoulder.

He had. The men who’d played such an important role in his life, who’d raised him to be the sort of man he’d become.

The rent boys he’d taken under his wing and protected.


DB took out a Stephen King paperback and opened it to the beginning.

Mark began to draw idle patterns on my thigh.