Chapter 70

“Good. I hope whoever killed him broke his kneecaps.”

“You don’t think it might have been an accident?” Mark asked. He gave her one of his smiles that appeared innocuous on first glance. It was only afterward—and then only if you paid attention—that you realized how deadly it was.

“If it was accidental, then there is no God, and I’m going to be so depressed.”

“There’s a God. Snow was carved up pretty good.”

“Did they cut off his dick and shove it down his throat? Or better still, up his ass?”

“No, but whoever did it saw he suffered a good deal.”

“Good,” she said again. “Cameron was a charmer in the beginning, and Heather fell hard for him. I just wish I knew why he married her.”

Mark had given it his best guess.

“He knew your cousin was a Mann.”

“What difference does that make? You mean he married her for the money. In that case he made a huge mistake. Manns were comfortable, but it was the Sebrings who had the money.”