Chapter 81

“No, I have enough. Those prints on the wall are mine.”

“Get ’em, Cooper. What else, babe?”

“The books on the second shelf.”

“Okay.” I got them and stacked them methodically into one of the boxes. “That plant?”

“I’m leaving it for Janet. The coffeemaker in her office—it makes good coffee. DB, do you want it?”

“Are you kidding? You bet!”

“All right, you can have it. And the mugs also.”

There was a tap on the door.


Janet came in, holding a stack of CDs. “I thought you might want these.” She tucked them into the box with the books.

Quinn went to her and hugged her. “Thank you, Janet. You’ve been the best personal assistant an officer could have hoped for.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do once you’re gone. It was a pleasure to work under you. You never made inappropriate comments or harassed me in any way. What kind of jerk am I going to wind up with now?”