Sexually I called myself ‘amoral’ rather than ‘immoral’, because I didn’t see anything wrong with sexual freedom (given the times once again, the sixties coming in strong with free love, beads and peace signs), and I didn’t really feel part of my body, anyhow.
So I married the first man that asked and did the housewife thing for seventeen years, and then continued on with a second husband and fourth child. And entered, at last, a miserable but welcomed menopause.
This is getting more and more painful to write. I suppose I’m going to have to pad it out with examples at some point, but don’t hold your breath.Mommyhood
Though I certainly ‘did’ female okay, physically, typical women’s things were not easy for me. My cooking never poisoned anyone; neither did it excel. I did learn to knit and crochet, but not how to fix a mistake. I learned to sew but never would anyone guess (from the cussing and muttering) that I enjoyed it. It’s what women did then.