Chapter 14

So, was it the times, my own amorality, carelessness of self, or my inner boy (‘boys will be boys’) that made me willing to ‘give it up’? I don’t want to get into it even now; even then I sure wasn’t proud. It was very similar to the more recent time, about twenty years ago, that I went into bankruptcy due to careless spending. I did not care. If there was a bad outcome, who cared? Maybe I deserved it. Maybe something very fucked up was naturally inclined to fuck up? Or maybe it was the only way I could find love, someone to take care of me, someone to be a woman to, if it had to be.

I’ve always been interested in acceptance; whatever that word is when, for instance, you go in for your first chemo treatment, or you stop running from the police (not that I’d know…) Know any other examples? Acceptance, vulnerability, sacrifice? Temporarily dissolving into nothingness? I had nothing to lose after all, so I thought. I had no other choice, in that day and time, but acceptance.