Chapter 24


By the time that I’d changed into a pair of skinny jeans,a vest top and my favourite purple hoodie with‘New York’written in yellow on the chest,both Merrin and Nicola were waiting by the front door for me.

“I thought you could use a couple of these,”Nicole said,and she handed me a packet of what I at first thought were tissues.

Was she expecting me to cry?I kind of felt like I was going to,but a part of me thought it was better not to show any weakness in front of this strange,powerful warrior of a woman.I could feel Merrin’s eyes watching me as though she was judging every single move I made.

Upon closer examination,I realised that the pack was,in fact,a packet of wipes.

“Thanks,”I said,almost begrudgingly.I was still angry with Nicola,and the last thing I wanted was for her to be nice to me.But I did need to wipe my face.I could still feel the smudges of mixed makeup and tears hardening on my cheeks.I probably looked like a panda by now and not a very cute one.