Chapter 25

“I...I…”I had no idea what to say,and so I simply nodded.

“Well then,why don’t you climb on in?”Merrin smiled comfortingly at me.I was about to take the first step towards the car when she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up in surprise and found that she was gazing back at me,her bright blue eyes seeming to gouge into my soul.

“I know your secret,Brianna,”she said,and her words caused my skin to crawl.Her voice was like stone,and she seemed to be carving the words into me so that I would never forget them.

“I’m not sure what you are talking about.”I shook my head.It was the truth.Even though Nicola had told me there were secrets in my past,I still had no idea what any of them were.I still didn’t have a clue who my parents were.

“Your secret is safe with me.”

She smiled again and even against my better nature and all that I had just learned,I think I believed her.
