Chapter 18

Noah watched the handsome wolf walk away toward the old house and the rest of the wolves.He wondered how the wolf pack was doing with the new addition.They were Noah’s family too,just like everyone else on the farm,and he wanted them to be happy.So far there hadn’t been a fight between the wolves,which promised good things,but one could only be optimistic to a point.

With a groan,Noah got up and walked to the new house.Yes,he had asked Dallas to stay for his cat,but he hadn’t counted on having to help so concretely.A hands-on approach was needed,and it was just what he hadn’t been prepared to give.Not to Dallas.Not after everything that had happened.

“Noah!”he heard Jude call out from the stable.

“Yeah?”Noah stopped in the middle of the yard.

“I fed the horses and checked on the sheep.Everything’s fine there,”the teenage wolf said as he strode closer to Noah.

“So how’re things?”Noah asked,knowing that Jude would be maybe more honest than his parents would.