
Chapter 22

“No,you didn’t.Not all things are to be done by half-tiger.Some things should be left for full tiger to do,”Maxim said,and he leaned in to kiss Mikael again.

It was gentler this time,and Mikael reached to pull Maxim closer,but the movement made a sharp pain flare across his body.The stitches on his arm and one side of his body protested.

“Ow…,”he said weakly,pulling away from the kiss.

“You rest.We’ll take care of everything for a few days.I’ll come back later to help you into the shower,okay?”Maxim leaned away from him.

“How about your foot?You’re limping!And did you get injured again?”

“It was just the bones from old injury.They didn’t like all the running,and he slammed me on the ground once.It’s not broken,Noah doesn’t think,but it’s very sore.I have a few stitches on my back,and this hurts”—he gestured to the Band-Aid across his cheek—“but otherwise I’m fine.I’ll go help Lark with garden.At least she’s talking to one of us.”Maxim grinned.