I read the paper aloud. “I, Jack Nelson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave all of my worldly possessions to one Bing O’Malley.” It was signed by me, the teenage me. It was even notarized, Dad being a Notary Public. Bing had his own version, leaving in return everything to me. “Everything” was our comic book collections, by the way. We knew we were sitting on some major dough there. Plus this, our wills, leaving our worldly estates to each other, was the ultimate sign of love. I grinned at the paper, mainly because I’d sold my comic books back in college in exchange for a TV. Major dough? Nope, not even close.
In any case, back to the Polaroid. We’d borrowed the camera from my dad. That is to say, we’d taken it without asking and took two photos with it, one of me for Bing to keep, one of Bing for me to keep. The irony was that the photos were taken inside the same closet I now found myself in, away from prying eyes, namely Ma’s.