I even did a little looking into it….
* * * *
I had the phone number for every department and department head of the WBIS programmed not only into my cell phone, but into my car’s phone system—something Romero had come up with. “Don’t be impressed. The mainstream car manufacturers will be offering it in a few years.”—and I pressed the button to activate it.
“Speak a command, please.” The voice was mechanical, but Romero promised to develop something more soothing to the ears. I wondered if I could find a voice similar to Portia Mann’s.
“Name, please.”
“Dialing the number.”
After a few rings, my call was answered.
“Max Futé ici.”
“Max, it’s Mark Vincent.”
“Ah, M’sieur Vincent. It is very nice to hear from you. I trust all is well?”
“Yeah, fine. How are you?”
“I am well.”