
Chapter 77

The lounge itself had a couple of sofas, comfortable chairs, a scattering of tables to hold snacks, and a twenty-seven-inch flat-screen TV mounted on a wall. Today was on.

Max was alone in the lounge. He looked around as I entered and smiled. Considering what he’d had to do while he’d been part of Prinzip, it was one of the sweetest expressions I’d ever seen.

“Bonjour, m’sieur.” He gestured toward a couch, muted the TV, and rose.

“Hi, Max.” Once I’d sat down, he handed me a cup and a plate with a warm croissant that dripped butter. I put the cup on the table beside the couch, took a bite of the croissant, and then accepted the napkin he offered me as butter started to drip down my chin. “Thanks. I have a question for you.”

“Ask. Whatever it is, I am at your service.”

“You shouldn’t do that, you know. You have no idea what I’m going to ask.”