Chapter 60

“Oui,” Margaux said. “It often seems like amateur hour when we meet those groups.”

“Yes, but we love the Richardson-Smith-Laniers,” Mr. Jamieson said with a big smile that once again made me want to pinch his cheeks.

“So is Dauphin Cove mainly a retirement community?” Stefano asked.

“Don’t we wish,” Mrs. Jamieson said. “We do get a lot of retirees, like me and Phil.”

“And there are people who have lived here their whole lives,” Margaux said. “You’d be amazed how many people I meet who went to school with Mark and Emily.”

“We have a few new businesses that have settled here,” Mr. Jamieson said. “The town does like to give out tax breaks.”

“One of your classmates manufactures surfboards, kayaks, and small sail boats,” Margaux said. “That place has offered a lot of jobs.”

“Most of the people who come into the diner are either guests of your hotel who came to see the dolphins or regulars,” Mrs. Jamieson said.