Chapter 59

“Or you could bring them home if you like,” I said.

“Well, we’ve certainly done that a lot in the past, but we don’t want to disturb you,” Margaux said.

“No worries,” I said. “Stefano and I sleep like logs.”

It wasn’t as accurate a statement as I thought, but Stefano and I had been sleeping pretty well the last few nights, I imagined because we were exhausted and were a whole lot more relaxed now that things were falling into place. After leaving Margaux, we walked over to the hotel and looked around at some of the empty ballrooms and boardrooms that we rented out on the first floor. There was a big kitchen that the hotel kept for catering, but my understanding was that it rarely used. Stefano and I walked around the ballroom that was next to the kitchen noticing that it was one of the few ballrooms with windows.