Chapter 31

“If that’s what you want.”

He dragged his eyes up to mine. “Yes.” That was all he said. “Yes!”

I smiled and made my voice low and hot. “Let’s go, then, baby.” I pulled out some bills and left them on the bar.

He wavered for a second, and I wondered if it was the drug or the alcohol, or the combination of the two that was getting to him. I steadied him, then steered him toward the door. His car was parked around the corner, and it was a good thing I knew my way around the nightmare that was the Capital’s traffic pattern, because he was in no condition to drive.

I felt his jacket for the car key, but it wasn’t there, so I had to pat down his trousers, which was where the jerk-off had it, on a ring with his apartment key. I reached in, and he turned his body so that I got a handful of dick.

“All for you, honey,” he murmured.
