Chapter 32

“Nice to see you again, Mark,” he said before I could challenge his presence there.


He looked good, too damned good. I wanted to shove him up against a nearby tree and trace the shape of his cock through his pants until I’d made him come. I wanted to wind my fingers in that dark hair of his and position his mouth just so, and then I wanted to—

I cleared my throat. “Did you know Shaw?”


I gestured toward the line of limos that were parked in front of the funeral home. People were coming out now, waiting for the hearse to come around from the back of the building with its sad burden. At that point, the cortege would start for the cemetery.

“Ah. No, I didn’t have the pleasure. Accept my condolences, please. It’s difficult when someone so young passes on.”

Someone so young? There were less than a dozen years between them.

“If you didn’t know the dearly departed, what are you doing here, Mann?”