Chapter 34

“I suppose you’re right.”

DB wasn’t a field officer, though, and he’d never had to kill in the line of duty. The first time I’d looked into a man’s eyes and pulled the trigger, the two men who’d recruited me, who happened to be my uncles, had afterward given me a choice: they would take me out to get drunk or find me a willing body I could bury myself in. I’d chosen the latter, an action I’d never regretted.

My friend gave me an exasperated look. “I almost made it out, but this popped up.”

“I’m assuming it’s important?”

“Yeah. I’ve got my system programmed to flag any inquiries that come up on you.” When he had that note in his voice, the hairs on the back of my neck started warning me of trouble.


“There haven’t been many; your cover is good, and it’s mostly just the usual stuff from State, but….” He ran a hand through his hair, leaving it disheveled. It was a nervous habit I’d long since come to overlook, only this time instinct told me not to.