Chapter 35

“You’ll make it.” DB gave me a tight smile. “I’ll handle this for you, Quinn. Hell, I was only going to get some takeout and rent a movie.”


“What else?”

“Any chance you’ll have company?”

“No.” He shrugged and gave a lopsided grin. “It’s no big deal.”

It was, but I didn’t say that, because the last thing my friend would want was what he’d perceive as pity. It never failed to amaze me, how much time he spent alone. Then again, if it came to that, I spent a good deal of the time away from the job alone also.

“One last thing, Quinn. I know you’re going to take the information I get for you and run with it, but do me a favor. Be careful, will you?”

“Of course.” I squeezed his shoulder. “I owe you, DB.”

“Damn straight you do. Next dinner at the Rib Shack is on you.”

* * * *

We were on the off-ramp for the Williamsburg exit when my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of the inner pocket of my overcoat. “Quinton Mann.”