Chapter 56

“Naughty, naughty.” His happy laugh rang out.

“What do you mean?” Uncertain whether to take him seriously or not, I started to protest. “Who wears underwear—”

He tugged up my pajama top and pressed a kiss to my navel, distracting me further when he licked the curve between my ribs. “Remove this.”

Without bothering with the buttons, I yanked it up over my head and tossed it away. It could be found the next day or never; I didn’t care.

Armand seized a nipple between his lips, having already learned how sensitive they were, and I collapsed against him, whimper after gasp after moan spilling past my lips.

As aroused as I was, I didn’t even start as slicked fingers entered me. “Yes.” I tried to lower myself onto them, to take them deeper into my back passage.