Chapter 57

After swallowing a couple of aspirin, I felt better than I usually did after a transatlantic flight. I wrapped a towel around my hips and studied my face in the mirror dispassionately. I actually looked rested. Getting blown by Vincent was better than any sleep aid I’d ever used, on those rare occasions when I’d had to fall back on them.

The spot where he had injected me was a little red, and I ran my fingertips over it. By tomorrow morning it would be barely noticeable, if not completely gone.

Maid service would be in tomorrow afternoon, and not only did they see to the housekeeping, but they also sent out the laundry. Since I used tissues when I jerked off, which I then flushed down the toilet, the handkerchief Vincent had left behind might give rise to questions even if they were unvoiced. I rinsed it out and draped it over the heated towel bar. Once it was dry, I’d toss it in the hamper.