Chapter 58

I saw us as friends, but Susan saw us as much more than that. She’d been livid when I told her it might be for the best if we saw other people, and she’d called me a number of things, not the least of which was “an inconsiderate, self-centered jerk.”

“Oh, Quinton. She wasn’t the one, then.” Mother sighed. “I rather thought not.”

“Why do you say that?” I’d known I hadn’t loved Susan, but I was fond of her.

“Just a feeling I had.” Thankfully, she changed the subject. “You know, you really didn’t sound yourself earlier. You’ve been working much too hard. Why don’t you give some serious consideration to relaxing today?”

“I will. I promise.” She knew me very well. At least three weekends out of four would find me spending a good deal of time at Langley.

“Gregor is pulling up at the restaurant, so I’ll say goodbye now.”

“Until next Sunday.”

“Of course. Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll expect to see you at our usual time. Oh, and Gregor says please do something he wouldn’t do.”