Chapter 59

However, I wasn’t in the mood to be amused, and Janet knew me well enough to be aware of that. Her tone was dry when she said, “David Brendan.”

“DB? Why?”

My door opened and DB strolled in. “Why don’t you let me answer that, Quinn?”

“Thanks, Janet.” I took my finger off the switch and scowled at my friend’s cheerful face. “What are you so happy about, David?”

The corner of his mouth kicked up in a grin. “Whoa. The only time you call me David is when you’ve got your shorts in a twist. Who’s been after you, Quinn? That asshole Drum?”

Major Jonathan Drum II seemed to feel that because we’d worked together a few times, he could call on me whenever he was in a bind. I didn’t mind helping him out once in a while, and had even joined him for a drink after one or two occasions, but that didn’t make us best friends, and pulling him out of hot water was not my main ambition in life.