Chapter 66

“If the person you take to bed knows what he’s doing.” Then, yeah, it was probably good. Problem was, you needed to be able to trust that person. Well, I needed to be able to trust that person, and there just hadn’t been any.

“One day—”

“Oh no, don’t say when I meet the right man.”

He chuckled and dropped a kiss on my shoulder. “All right. I won’t.”

Afterward, I actually slipped into a light doze, waking when the bed dipped. Pretty Boy pulled on the sweats he’d worn earlier and tiptoed out of the room.

I got out of his bed, realizing I felt, if not better, at least not as borderline as I had, and I found my clothes and quickly dressed.

“Intense, Sweets.” Pretty Boy was saying, a soft, dreamy quality to his voice.

“How could you let him mark you like that?” Sweetcheeks sounded worried. “You realize you won’t be able to work until all these marks are gone?”

There were hickeys, bruises, and scratch-marks all over him. Dammit. I was usually more careful of my partners than that.