Chapter 67

No, it was dumb to even think he’d do something like that. I pushed the idea out of my mind.

I rinsed off, rubbed a towel briskly over my body, then walked naked into the bedroom and set my alarm. I had about five hours before I’d need to call Mrs. Mann.

* * * *

The alarm was set to go off at 9:30, but I came awake instantly at 9:29, grinning as I thought of Quinn, still sleeping like a baby. I’d deliberately made sure his alarm wasn’t turned on. He was going to be pissed.

I stretched and reached for the phone. Romero, the head honcho of R&D, had whipped up a little device that would make it appear this call was coming from Mann’s phone. Once it was connected, I dialed Mrs. Mann’s phone number from memory. She and Novotny would be at church, so I knew I’d get her answering machine.

“Mann residence.” It was Novotny’s voice. “Leave a message.”